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Home > Travel California > California Attractions > Golden Gate Park: Culture Within the San Francisco Urban Area
Golden Gate Park: Culture Within the San Francisco Urban Area
Covered with more than one million trees, Golden Gate Park is the perfect spot to escape from the urban chaos of San Francisco. Created by John McLaren, an ardent nature lover, the garden idea was born in the 1870s when he arrived to San Francisco. By the 1890s he had already planted grass, trees and several plants.
Nowadays, more than a hundred years later, Golden Gate Park remains as a proof of the good will San Franciscans had to preserve a place where they will be able to play, relax and expand its cultural barriers. Constantly in renovation, Golden Gate Park always finds new ways to attract new visitors. In 2003, the re-opening of the Conservatory of Flowers was an event that called for a huge wave of people and rumours affirm that the new de Young museum will do the same these coming months. In the same way, the music concourse is thought to have the same effect on people and planned to be open by mid-2006. The California Academy of Sciences will also re-open in 2008.
If you are in San Francisco and want to visit the Golden Gate Park, take into account that the Golden Gate Park Shuttle picks up passengers in 15 different places throughout the park, from 10am to 6pm, and the most important maybe is that this service is for free. If you prefer to take your car with you, the Music Concourse Garage is open from 7.30am to 10pm, from Monday through Sunday, and costs $2.50 per hour during the week days, during the weekends it is $3 an hour. The entrance to the garage is right at the 10th Avenue and Fulton Street.
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